Monday, October 15, 2007

Reflections on straight edge

For anyone considering being straight edge, I will tell you that it was a very difficult decision to make. I have been straight edge since 1998, and I can remember the day that I decided to stop drinking and smoking and be straight edge. I had the experience of being able to try booze and cigs before, so it wasn't like I was missing out on anything. This however is something that causes people to break their edge - they feel like they are missing out on something. Straight edge isn't a set of rules, or a gang, it's a way of life. I can now say I have NO straight edge friends anymore who I talk to and hang out with - this is pretty sad. Many of them have moved on and I am increasingly feeling isolated. I do however feel that part of being edge is being positive, and this feeling has helped me in the toughest times. How have you felt?

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